Thursday, February 13, 2020

Comparing State Constitutions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Comparing State Constitutions - Essay Example This paper will focus on the similarities and differences in the constitution of Texas and Alaska. The Texas Constitution and that of Alaska have various similarities. The major substantive similarity between the constitution in the case of of the State of Alaska and that of Texas is that both have the bill of rights incorporated as their first articles. It is a formal review of the liberties and rights that are considered essential to a group of people or individuals. In both the constitutions, the rights of the individual provide various restraints on the political authority and power to protect the people against abuses and intrusions that are unwarranted. In both the constitutions, the powers of the government are outlined in every listed department. In reference to both constitutions, they are on taxation, suffrage and revenue, as well as the general provisions, and the mechanism of having the constitution amended. Both the Constitution of Alaska and that of Texas describe the function and structure of the government of the United States of America. In addition, both constit utions are used as either implied laws of United States or an embodied fundamental document that governs the state functions and roles at all departmental levels. The two constitutions function as a limiting document which dictates the powers granted to each particular state. On the other hand, there are significant differences between the two highlighted constitutions. The major substantive difference is that the constitution of Texas has seventeen articles in a given order. The first one is the conspicuous bill on Rights. The next is on the power vested on the government. The third article is on the Legislative Department while the fourth is on Executive Department. There is an article on Judicial Department, a proceeding one on Suffrage and another on Education as well as Taxation. The constitution also includes articles on revenue, counties, as well as railroads. These are some

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Experiences of Community-Based Children's Nurses Providing Pallative Essay

Experiences of Community-Based Children's Nurses Providing Pallative Care - Essay Example These keyword were selected so that I could focus the search on the nurses’ group who worked with children and with the community in providing palliative care. As it is the child cancer patients who are in need of community-based palliative care more than any other child patient groups, I included ‘cancer care’, and ‘onchology’ into my keyword list. I could locate many UK sources from this database but majority of articles that I found on this database were non-UK sources. There were also a limited number of post-2004 articles on this topic in this database. The next database that I searched for articles was CINAHL. I could locate many British journals on nursing here. was a very useful nursing article archive that I found more user-friendly as well. In, I could find plenty of UK sources. Medline database was accessed by me through PubMed and became the source of many UK-sources for this study. I used CASP QUALITATIVE as my critiquing tool for this research because this tool gave me a comprehensive framework to locate my research in. Using this tool, I could address oft-faced research issues like clarity about the aim of the research, the appropriateness of the selected methodology, effectiveness of the research design, data collection and analysis related issues, ethical concerns, and the validity of the research. Especially, the qualitative approach was relevant because this research concerns directly with the experiences of the subjects being studied and hence should be anchored in their own first person accounts of those experiences in the form of interviews. Findings- General Overview As WHO (2003) has observed, palliative care â€Å"Improves the quality of life of patients and their families facing the problem associated with life-threatening illness, through the prevention and relief of suffering by means of early identification and impeccable assessment and treatment of pain and other probl ems, physical, psychosocial and spiritual.† (as cited in Quin et al., 2005, p.5). (WHO, 2003)Neilson, Kai, Macarthur, and Greenfield (2011) have done a community-based qualitative study in West Midlands region to investigate the experience of GPs and community-based nursing practitioners who were working with children having cancer in their homes. The findings of this study (Neilson, Kai, Macarthur, and Greenfield, 2011) are relevant to this paper because it proved that more than the general practitioners, it were the community nurses who could play an active role in the treatment and palliative care of such children (p.551-553). Another study done by the same authors in 2010 was also located from this database which showed that community  children's nurses (CCNs) and  children's  palliative care  nurses (CPCNs) needed to be imparted further skills and knowledge regarding palliative care of children and suggested that more funds be allocated for the same (Neilson, Kai, Macarthur, and Greenfield, 2010). This was a qualitative study that employed one-to-one interviews for data collection. Grounded theory approach was the method by which data was analysed. There was another UK-based study that I could find in this database. In this study, Beringer, Eaton and Jones (2007) have carried out a qualitative analysis of the